Friday, November 8, 2013

Pict in Pare :)

This is a picture when we studied in Pare 5 months ago. Really miss those moments, with miss Siska, miss Yaya, miss Sesmi, miss Enji, miss Nuri and miss Sizu :D nomu nomu joahe Pare {}

“Siang Senduku”

Siang Senduku
By: Diah Fitriani
 *Difi* Nov, 8th 2013
Dari balik jendela kamar kos ku, aku menengadah keluar untuk melihat suasana diluar sana. Gelap, siang ini kota perantauanku tertutupi mendung yang tak bercahaya sama sekali. Meninggalkan suasana sendu nan sepi yang tak berujung.
Sendirian tak berkawan di dalam kamar, hanya ditemani olehmu yang sangat setia dan tak pernah marah walau aku menggunakanmu seenaknya sendiri. Netbook hp inilah yang selalu setia menemaniku yang sebenarnya adalah kepunyaan kakak perempuanku, namun dia telah menjadi teman setiaku dua tahun terkahir ini, mendengarkan segala keluh kesahku, mendukung dan menemaniku saat mengerjakan tugas hingga larut malam, dia adalah teman yang sangat setia. Yaaahh walaupun kadang-kadang bikin emosi juga karena kelemotan nya dia.
Kembali ke suasana yang sangat sendu nan sepi yang sangat berarti bagiku. Suasana ini lah yang sering aku rindukan di kota perantauanku ini, kota ini menjadi sejuk, tentram dan membuat ku ingat tentang kampung halaman ku tercinta.
Saat-saat siang yang sepi di rumah asalku, mendung tak bertuah yang hanya ditemani ibuku di rumah sederhana nan hangat. Biasa nya suasana ini terjadi di bulan-bulan musim hujan, aku masih ingat sekali tentang hafalan ips ku waktu sd, “Janom” yang berarti musim hujan itu terjadi di bulan oktober hingga bulan Maret, singkatan itu diajarkan guru ku waktu kelas enam sd dan sampai sekarang pun aku masih sangat ingat, namun karena perubahan cuaca dan iklim mengakibatkan hujan dan kemarau yang tak menentu, kadang siangnya panas namun tiba-tiba ketika sore menjelang hujan deras pun bisa menerjang hingga mengakibatkan banjir.
Terdengarlah suara rintik-rintik ketika aku menulis catatan ini, semakin membuat aku kangen dengan rumah sederhanaku di kampung halaman tercinta. Biasanya suasana ini aku dapat ketika aku pulang dari sekolah, entah itu waktu aku smp ataupun sma, namun ketika smp suasana rumahku tidak begitu sendu nan sepi karena disitu masih ada kedua kakak kandungku dan saudara sepupuku yang juga ikut tinggal dirumahku.
Mungkin lebih tepatnya aku mengalami deja vu mengulangi masa-masa saat aku masih duduk dibangku sma. Seusai pulang sekolah, sekitar pukul 2 siang aku melanjutkan kegiatan dirumah seperti sholat dzuhur yang kemudian disusul dengan makan siang, tepatnya seperti hari ini pukul 3 kurang seperempat sore, hujan rintik-rintik yang membasahi jalan, mendung yang menentramkan hati, bau khas tanah atau jalan yang tersiram air hujan, di dalam kamar ku yang sempit, kalau tidak salah 2X2 meter, yang pasti lebih kecil dari kamar kos ku disini. Aku duduk termenung di dekat jendela kayu kamarku, merasakan indahnya hujan yang setiap saat aku rindukan. Setelah merasakan kesejukan nya, akupun terbaring di kasur empukku, mata ini tidak langsung terpejam, namun membayangkan apapun yang terjadi dalam hiduopku.
Entah itu soal cinta yang banyak orang katakan masa sma adalah msa yang paling indah karena terdapat banyak cinta didalamnya, tapi tidak untukku. Cinta? Apa itu? Aku tidak merasakan cinta yang indah seperti yang orang katakan. Bisa dibilang, datar-datar saja tanpa ada yang spesial.
Lalu setelah memikirkan cinta yng tak ada spesialnya, akupun beralih memikirkan masa depanku, mau jadi apakah aku di masa yang akan datang? Aku suka sekali bermimpi, yaa aku adakah sang pemimpi, yang sukanya bermimpi setinggi langit, aku pernah bermimipi bisa menjadi seorang astronot yang bisa menjelajah galaksi bimasakti, namun ketika aku pikir itu adalah mimpi yang keterlaluan, akhirnya karena aku adalah penyuka iklim dan cuaca akupun ingin menjadi seorang ilmuwan yang bekerja di LAPAN atau BMKG, namun ketika aku melihat hasil raportku  yang biasa saja, akhirnya akupun kemudian memutuskan untuk memejamkan mataku.
Bunyi rintik-rintik hujan yang amat aku senangi perlahan-lahan masuk seperti hipnoterapi yang bisa menghipnotisku, seketika itu aku pun langsug terlelap dalam tidurku. Menikmati indahnya mimpi siang ku, yang ditemani oleh suara gemericik hujan yang sangat menenangkan hati.
Sampai akhirnya akupun terbangun dengan suasana hati yang sumringah dan siap untuk membantu ibuku beres-bers rumah. Ketika aku terbangun ternyata hujan telah berhenti, sekitar pukul 4 sore, akupun tidak lupa menunaikan kewajibanku sebagai umat muslim, sholat ashar 4 rakaat. Kemudian aku ingin menyiram bunga yang ada di depan rumahku, namun aku dikagetkan oleh ibuku bahwa air hujan telah membasahi semua tanaman kita. Ohh iya aku lupa..
Akhirnya aku pun memutuskan untuk menyapu lantai rumahku. Seperti biasanya di depan televisi ada seorang lelaki setengah baya yang tengah tertidur pulas, dia adalah ayahku. Itu adalah tempat favoritnya untuk tidur, tidak peduli siang ataupun malam, beliau tertidur sangat nyenyak, di kasur tipis depan televisi. Akupun menyapu dengan pelan-pelan, dan selanjutnya menegepel lantai dengan dibasahi terlebih dahulu dengan so klin lantai supaya rumahku harum.
Setelah semua pekerjaan telah selesai, sekitaran pukul 5 lebih, saat ayahku sudah terbangun dari tidurnya, beliau pun selalu menyuruhku untuk segera mandi sore, karena aku sangat susah jika disuruh mandi, maka ayahku selalu berkoar-koar untuk menyuruhku mandi. Dan karena aku suka berlama-lama dikamar mandi padahal banyak yang masih mengantri maka aku selalu disuruh mandi terlebih dahulu.
Setelah mandi, pukul setengah 6 sore, aku pun menenton televisi dengan santai-santai sedikit lahh, hingga maghrib pun tiba, aku segera bergegas untuk sholat maghrib dan setelah itu segera menyusun jadwal untuk esok pagi dan mengangkat tas ransel kesayanganku ke ruang tamu untuk belajar. Tapi karena letak ruang tamu yang tidak jauh dengan letak televisi, maka ketika ayah dan ibuku menonton televisi, akupun mendengar dengan jelas dan kdang-kadang ketika acarnya menarik, aku tidak segan-segan meninggalkan setumpuk bukuku dan beralih di depan televisi, biasanya acara favorit keluarga ku ketika malam hari pukul 7 adalah “On The Spot”.
Setelah belajar selesai, akupun makan malam yang telah disiapkan oleh ibuku. Kemudian sekitar pukul 10 malampun aku beranjak ke kamar tidur agar esok pagi tidak terlambat. Itulah kegiatanku dimana saat siang sendu mewarnai hariku.
Aku sangat merindukan saat-saat aku dirumah sperti yang aku alami waktu aku duduk di bangku sma, yang tak mungkin aku putar dan ulangi kembali. Yaa, apabila di kota perantaunku ini sedang ada siang sendu maka aku hanya bisa mengingat masa lalu ku yang sangat sederhana namun menyenangkan.
Saat aku menulis cerita inipun aku tak mampu menahan air mata ku yang turun membasahi kedua pipiku, tidak mengapa karena aku hanyalah seorang anak perantauan yang rindu akan kampung halaman disaaat siang diserang mendung dan hujan gemericik.

Aku hanya bisa berharap dan berdo’a kepada Allah SWT bahwa suatu saat nanti aku akan menemui siang sendu itu lagi dirumah sederhanaku namn dengan diriku yang berbeda, aku ingin merasakan nya lagi namun ketika aku telah menjadi wanita sukses yang bisa menggapai cita-citaku dan telah membanggakan serta membahagiakan kedua orangtua ku dan seluruh keluarga besarku. Aamiin Aamiin Yaa Rabbal Alamin.J

“Extraordinary John”

“Extraordinary John”
In a quiet room, there was only one light that illuminated the room. “Tik ​​tok tik tok tik tok tik tok.....” The sound made the room was not quiet anymore. A man played his pen on the desk while thought.
 "This is what you want John, become a wealthy man, we will give you whatever you want, as long as you give your robot to us." Said William the chief of U.S army.
“What do you want to do with my robot if I give it to you?” Asked John curiously.
“You will know later, but this is for our country John.” Answered William try to convince John.  John thought very hard about what was discussed this afternoon, and up to now he still remembered about that conversation.
He also recalled the story of his childhood back, the bitter moments of his life. He still remembered at that time that no children wanted to be friends of him​​, because he had edward’s syndrome since he was born. Edward's syndrome was an inborn chromosomal abnormality that caused a characteristic pattern of anatomical defected in a newborn child and had major implications for John's health and survival, but on the other hand, he had an extraordinary intelligence.
John only lived with her ​​mother who was a widow and they were a poor family. Even if when John would like to buy any toy , his mother could not buy for him because she did not have enough money, but his mother always taught John to make his own toys . John had a dream that one day he could make a great toys and became a rich man who would be happy with his mom.
Suddenly his mother's voice stopped his daydreaming. "Let’s have our dinner my son, Mom has prepared a delicious food special for you.” His mother called him to have a dinner together.
“Yes mom, I will go there after I finish my work.” Answered John enthusiastic.
They had their dinner together and two of them were locked in conversation....
Now, John was not really seemed had an edward’s syndrome, because of his mother often did therapeutics.
When in the company where John worked as an engineer .....
"Have you decided to sell your robot to us ?" Asked William as the chief of U.S army seriously.
" Yeaah, you can take it ."
Finally, John sold his robot to U.S army. He was very happy because he got so much money, he spent the money to walk around with his mother and bought a luxurious home. His company was also advancing by the money.
Until oneday, he heard the news that North Korea was attacked by U.S. military in support to South Korea. U.S military has been long allied with South Korea, as a result when the war emerged between North Korea and South Korea, U.S military will defend South Korea . The attacked left the country in ruins and there were many victims. U.S. Army turned using a robot created by John to destroy North Korea. John’s robot was powerful enough to suck up an entire tree and instantly turn it to dust.

John felt very sorry for having to sell his work and he was sorry for did not abide the advice of his mother. Finally, he tried to get the robot back and he returned all of the money that the government gave to him. In the end, he decided to destroy his robot and he came back to his life as usual . A simple but happy life .

------The End-----

“Baby Reverio”

“Baby Reverio”
Outside the Milky Way Galaxy, precisely in Revorio planet had the lowest temperature was minus 20 degrees and the low oxygen levels. However, this planet was a planet similar to Earth, because in Revorio, there was a kind of living creatures, such as insects and some water, but still it would be difficult if human lived on this planet. A man’s voice was surprising her, when suddenly he called her, “Don’t go too far from here Sarah and don’t do something weird in this planet.”
“Of course not, I just do my experiment which is asked by my husband.”
Sarah Lautner, she was an astronaut by NASA and her husband was a scientist.  She was conducted her experiment in Revorio because her husband, named Adam Lautner asked her to discover planets like earth. Up to now, she could not find the planet and only Revorio which rather similar to the earth.
Two weeks ago in Sarah’s bedroom....
“Our earth right now is getting worse, everyday there is a natural disaster. I have researched that the earth can’t hold anymore, it will destroy by the disaster. What should we do dear?” Asked Adam seriously.
“The only way is we have to find another planet which is similar to earth, then we can move people and live there, dear.” Sarah explained her planning.
“Yeah, I do agree. You must help me to find a planet which we can live there. If not, we will ruin follow our earth.” Adam asked Sarah to help him.
Sarah back home and reported what was the result of her experiment in Revorio. She thought that Revorio could not be lived by the people, because of many factors.
“I think we can’t move to another planet, the only one planet I planned before is Revorio, but it is really difficult for us. ” Sarah explained to her husband.
“So, we must change people’s DNA. In order to make them able to survive in the inhospitable planet.”
“It means that let people being mutated?” Asked Sarah surprisingly.
Adam tried to ask for permission to do the research for the people, but the government did not approve it. Finally the couple decided to do the research on their baby. An eight months baby, her father put his fluid experiment results, which will change the DNA of the baby. They did not worry with what will happen to their baby.
After change the baby’s DNA, they went to Reverio and leave the baby alone without anything in a month. The baby still alive even really healthy.
“I have proved if my baby can survive in Reverio, so that’s why I want to apply to other people before this earth destroy.” Said Adam with his happy feeling.
“Ok, I will do as you wish. ” Said the President.
Before all dreams came true, the earth was destroyed by the devastating tsunami waves and not a single person left on earth. However, baby of Sarah and Adam still left in Reverio, alone.

-------- The End -------

Sunday, November 3, 2013

“A Real ‘Happy’ Dreams”

“A Real ‘Happy’ Dreams”
The sun shone in the morning and through the curtains of Shaleh’s room, landed directly on his face. He tried to open his eyes and decided to get up from his bed.
“Good Morning my beautiful world...” he yawned.
Suddenly his mom “Rahmah” called him, “Come on shaleh, take a bath and help your father in the field.”
“Yes, mom.. I am ready to take a bath and after that, I will help father”
After he took a bath, he went to the field to help his father.
“Sorry dad, I am late to help you because I woke up late. I will help you as much as I can. Do not worry!” Shaleh said passionately.
“No problem my son, I am glad if you still want to help me.” Answered father.
He planted corn and rice in the field in order to help his father and fulfill daily needs of their families. They were poor family, his father “Ali” just a farmer and his mother was a housewife. Shaleh dropped out of school and could not continue his study because he did not have enough money. Actually, Shaleh was smart and diligent, he was also a kind guy. He helped his parents without a doubt and now they just lived in a simple hut near the field in Humaira district.
Far from Humaria, in Hanafiah lived a wealthy royal family. The king named Ibrahim, the queen named Aisyah. They had only one beautiful daughter, named princess Lathifa. Their life was fulfilled, but lathifa was not happy for being a princess. She did not feel free and did not get enough careness from his parents, because they were very busy with their empire world.
One day, Lathifa thought to runaway from her life in palace. She wanted to find a simple life like the other people’s life.
She contemplated her planning in her balcony, and talked to herself, “This is the right way to get what you want in your life. Do not feeling sorry, you want your free world Lathifa.”
She decided to runaway and tried to find another good life. “I am free, I am not a princess anymore” she screamed aloud when she got out from her palace.
When lathifa up in the district Humaira, she saw a family ate together beside the field. They joked together and enjoyed their simple life. “If only my family like them, I do not have to run away from the palace.” Said Princess Lathifa. She came closer to that family and suddenly said “Excuse me, may I have a meal from you? I am starving because I have walked a thousand miles.”
Shaleh turned his face and was surprised by the lady in front of him. “Are you Princess Lathifa? Your face is familiar to me.” Asked Shaleh to Lathifa.
“No, I am not. I am a girl from Sora. I am lost here and do not know the way home. I do not have money to buy some meal.”
Shaleh’s mother invited to join and ate together, even she invited Lathifa to stay in their simple hut. Rahmah really likes Lathifa because she did not have a daughter.
Day by day Lathifa lived with Shaleh’s family, she felt very comfort. Eventhough she had to help the family in the field, it was not a problem for her, because this was the life what she wanted all this time. Someday, when she helped Shaleh planted rice in the field, suddenly mob kidnapped her and carried her without permission. Shaleh tried to catch the mob, but he could not. In a days, Shaleh looked for Lathifa, he felt something weird and lonely in his heart.
Finally, there was an announcement that the princess has been kidnapped by the enemy of the King Ibrahim. Shaleh has known that who stayed in his house was Princess Lathifa, but he just silent. With his courage, he was determined to bring back Princess Lathifa to the palace.
“I have to find Princess Lathifa, ”
He has done everything until he got information about the kidnapper, Princess Lathifa was carried by person who wants to be a King in this country. Shaleh went to Riku, the place where Princess Lathifa was. Without weapon he jumped in to the house and looked for Princess Lathifa. Because Shaleh was expert in self defence, he could fight the kidnapper and managed to bring back Princess Lathifa to the palace.
King Ibrahim really thankful to Shaleh, “Oh, you are a brave man! For saving my daughter I will give you everything what you want.”
“I just want to save Princess Lathifa and I do not want anything from you King Ibrahim.” Said Shaleh calmly.
Queen Aisyah also thankful to Shaleh, “If you did not saved my daughter, I would feeling sorry for the rest of my life, just tell me what you want for the reward. Money? Or what?”
I sincerely help Princess Lathifa without expecting anything in return.” Answered Shaleh.
Suddenly, Princess Lathifa talked to his parents “Because he is a nice guy and he has saved my life, I want to marry him.”
All the people there could not believe what had been said by Princess Lathifa.
Princess Lathifa said, “If you disagree with my choice, I will choose my own way.”
Finally, Princess Lathifa and Shaleh got married. But, not so long after they were married, King Ibrahim passed away because of his sickness.
The palace was at a loss to determine who would be the king, because King Ibraham did not have son, while the king's brother was not considered to be a duty as a king. Finally the citizen choose and asked Shaleh to be a king because of his courage and sincerity, he was considered as a suitable choice to be a king. The ceremony for the new king has arrived, Shaleh’s parents also happy because their children could be a king. Now, the country has a new King and Queen. They were King Shaleh and Queen Lhatifa. Then, 4 years later they had two children, a charming son and a pretty daughter. Finally, They were happily ever after.

--- The End ---